Cause: AIDS is a stage of Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV. When the HIV virus causes so much damage to a person's immune system, that person has Acquired Immunity Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS. Since 1981, more than 25 million people have died of AIDS, millions are still affected. Some are aware of it; others are clueless.
Hence the need to raise awareness: DECEMBER 1, WORLD AIDS DAY
For more facts, visit the following websites:
AIDS Alabama - Alabama-based organization whose mission is to help those with HIV/AIDS as well as prevent its spread.
AIDS Healthcare Foundation - basic information including myths vs facts.
Center for Disease Control - very current fact sheets on basic information, HIV prevention, and campaign.
Medline Plus - basic information and symptoms, research, and resources.
National Institute of Health - guidelines, clinical trials, drugs, fact sheets, education materials, and mobile resources. Incudes COVID guidance for persons with HIV / AIDS.
Public Health - list of open access journals, open courseware, research organizations, professional organizations, and public awareness organizations related to HIV/AIDS. Links are provided.
WebMD - this link goes to their HIV & AIDS Health Center
E-resources that provide infomation about AIDS include the following:
These are a few of the books and e-books related to HIV / AIDS accessible to LWLC patrons: