In 1987, Congress declared October National Pizza Month after it was first celebrated in 1984. Pizza is one of the most popular foods in the United States.
Here are some links that lead to some interesting facts and trivia regarding pizza.
Atlas of Pizza: 23 Types of Pizza (with Pictures) (Chef's Pencil) - Different varieties of pizza.
Easy as Pie: A Guide to Regional Pizza Styles (Washingtonian Magazine) - What kinds of pizzas are available in the United States.
Is Pizza Healthy? Nutrition Tips for Pizza Lovers (Healthline) - Nutritional and healthier ways in selecting, preparing and eating pizza.
National Pizza Month ( - How National Pizza Month came into existence, some pizza facts, and pizza-related news articles.
Pizza Facts (PizzaFan) - Trivia along with links to coupons for major pizza companies.
Pizza Facts and History (Pizzanet) - Short articles related to pizza.
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These are a few of the books and e-books related to pizza accessible to LWLC patrons (text & selections: NF):