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EDU 428: Child Growth & Development

This LibGuide is for students taking EDU 428 at Alabama State University.



To find journal articles, you want to:

*Click eJournals if you know which journal you need.

*Click Databases if you know which database you need.

*Search WorldCat if you know your topic, or author, or article title.

Education Publications

These journals are available through the Levi Watkins Learning Center.

Action in Teacher Education


American Educational Research Journal

American Journal of Play

Art Education

Child Development

Child Development Perspectives

Computers and Education

Early Childhood Education Journal

Early Childhood Research and Practice (This is not available from LWLC but might be accessed via Interlibrary Loan.)

Educational Researcher

International Journal of Early Years Education

Internet and Higher Education

Journal of Teacher Education

Language Learning

Review of Educational Research

The Teacher Educator

Teaching Exceptional Children

Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies (This is not available from LWLC but might be accessed via Interlibrary Loan.)

Young Children

Young Exceptional Children (This is not available from LWLC but might be accessed via Interlibrary Loan.)

Broadly speaking, a non peer reviewed source is anything that is NOT a peer reviewed journal article. A government publication, book or book chapter, a newspaper or magazine article, a website or blog post, a documentary film, or a document published by a government agency are all examples of non-peer reviewed sources. When submitting assignments, be sure to consult your course materials and professor for specific guidelines about acceptable source types (

Educational Leadership

Education Week

Exchange magazine

When you find a useful article, you have some choices to make: How do you want to get this article? Do you want to print it? Email it to yourself? Save it to Google Drive?

IMPORTANT: Citations created by databases often contain too many capitalized words. Check the citation you receive to make sure it is correct.

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