Since January is seen as a month for New Year's resolutions, some resolutions include learning a new hobby or enhancing skills in a current hobby. Therefore, January is National Hobby Month.
image: Hobbies on a Budget
Some websites relevant to National Hobby Month include:
48 Famous People with Surprising Hobbies (MentalFloss)
50 Most Popular Hobbies ( - also has links to a list of hobbies, types of hobbies, and 100 celebrity hobbies.
100+ List of Hobbies - Make Quarantine Fun, Cool and Interesting (HobbyHelp) - Lists of ultimate hobbies, cool hobbies, and interesting hobbies.
How to Celebrate National Hobby Month (WikiHow)
List of Hobbies (Wikipedia)
Some books and e-books pertaining to hobbies are listed below. They also relate to hobbies some LWLC staff members enjoy.
Here are favorite hobbies of 5 LWLC staff members:
Evelyn Bowen, Operations Manager
“My plants bring me so much joy and happiness and give me a sense of accomplishment. In the summer, I spend time with them every day whether it's watering, trimming, or just admiring them. It does take time, dedication, responsibility, and research, but it's such a great hobby. I love it!!"
Neil Foulger, Electronic Resources / Serials Services Librarian
"My dining room walls exhibit some items from my post card collection. It's nice to look at places I either visited or have plans to visit at some point."
"I enjoy playing Scrabble to relax and visit with friends. Although I don’t play often, I enjoy the competition and the opportunity to build my vocabulary."
"I love doing yoga, and I practice every chance I get. It makes me stronger, increases my patience, and helps relieve stress."