Websites with more information:
3 Tips to Manage Stress (American Heart Association)
I'm So Stressed Out! Fact Sheet (NIMH)
10 Ways to Celebrate Stress Awareness Month ( - a 12-slide presentation.
15 Simple Ways to Relieve Stress (Healthline)
18 Effective Stress Relief Strategies: How to Relieve Stress Now and in the Future (Verywell Mind which is part of Dotdash) - Description of different level strategies. This page is part of the How Stress Impacts Your Health Guide. Links to other articles are also provided.
April 16th - National Stress Awareness Day (JKS Talent)
Beating Stress as an Online College Student (STEPS)
Stress: An Overview (John Hopkins Medicine)
Stress Awareness Month - April 2023 (National Today)
Stress Management (Helpguide) - Eight stress management tips. Tip #2 covers the 4 A's: Avoid, Alter, Adapt, and Accept.
Stress Myths: 9 Common Misconceptions Abouts Causes, Symptoms and Treatement (Huffington Post) - Definition and solutions regarding stress while in college.
Ways to Manage Stress (WebMD)
Some books and e-books in our collection related to stress include :