The theme's goal is to provide foundational knowledge about mental health & mental health conditions and information about what people can do if their mental health is a cause for concern.
31 Tips to Boost Your Mental Health - Short statements and relevant illustrations for each tip.
May 5-11, 2024 - National Children's Mental Health Awareness Week
May is Mental Health Awareness Month (AHA) - Links and descriptions of resources related to mental health along with dates for specific types of mental health awareness.
Mental Health Awareness Month (SAMHSA) - Information along with links to resources, practitioner trainings, and federal resources.
Mental Health Awareness Month 2024 (National Council for Mental Wellbeing) - Informative resources for general, women's, and teen mental health.
Mental Health Statistics and Facts (Forbes) - Along with statistics, there are links to guides, online therapy reviews, and additional readings.
National Alliance on Mental Illness - This site contains overviews of several forms of mental illnesses, treatment options, and avenues of support. There is a page for useful infographics and fact sheets.
What is Mental Health? (SAMHSA) - One-stop access to U.S. government mental health and mental health problems information.
Additional links can be found on the Stress Awareness Month page from the April 2024 What's Happening @ LWLC.
Some books and e-books in our collection related to mental health include :