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November 2016 - What's Happening @ LWLC: Databases

New Databases - Added in Recent Months

Accessible Archives - Primary source materials across American history and culture as contained in 18 collections.

Black Drama: Second Edition - Over 1,400 plays by 233 playwrights along with detailed information on related productions, theaters, and production companies. 

Black Studies Center - Central location for resources useful for Black studies' instruction and research: Schomburg Studies on the Black Experience, International Index to Black Periodicals, and The Chicago Defender (1935-1975).

CINAHL plus Full-Text - Full-text version of the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature.

Engineering Village Compendex - Engineering literature database covering 190 engineering disciplines.

Knovel - Full-text access to and within over a thousand e-reference books related to science and engineering.

Mergent Archives - A vast historical collection of company information.  The Moody's/Mergent Digital Manuals consist of the following manuals: Industrial, Over the Counter Unlisted, Over the Counter Industrial, Transportation, Bank & Finance, Public Utilities, International and Municipal & Government starting in 1909 to current.  

Mergent Online - A global database of over 28,000 U.S. and International companies providing detailed business history, 15 years of financials including balance sheet, income statement, and ratio analysis, annual reports from 1997 forward, real-time Edgar filings and more. 

MLA Bibliography - Bibliography of Modern Language Association journal articles, books, and dissertations.

Oxford African-American Studies Center - Reference and editorial collection concerning African-American history and culture.

Oxford Music Online - Central location for Grove Music Online, Oxford Companion to music, and Oxford Dictionary of Music.

ProQuest Newsstand - Full-text to over 1,300 newspapers, news websites, and blogs including Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Chicago Tribune, New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal.  

PsycArticles - Full text, peer-reviewed scholarly and scientific articles in psychology. 

Scopus - Largest abstract and citation database of science-related peer-reviewed literature including conference papers, books, and journals.

Social Sciences Full-Text - Full-text access to the chief English-language journals in the social sciences.

SocINDEX with Full-Text - Full-text of database of sociology-related journals, books, and conference papers.

Theatre in Video: Volume I - Hundreds of videos, including documentaries and definitive performances of the world’s most important plays.

Theatre in Video: Volume II - Hundreds of videos with a greater focus on contemporary and international productions.

Web of Science - Multidisciplinary index to journal literature in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities.

Suggestions for additional e-resources can be sent to Neil Foulger ( If the e-resource has no cost, include URL, relevant subject(s), and a brief description. If the e-resource has a cost, include URL, pricing, and applicable contact information (vendor).

Text: NF

Featured Databases

eBook Collection -Collection of electronic books (e-books) which are also accessible via HORNETCat. Formerly known as NetLibrary.

Checkout period is 7 days. Checkout/checkin and bookshelf maintenance require creation of user account. Regular book reading does not require creation or access of user account. Downloading an e-book requires one-time download of Adobe Digital Editions 2.0 (Bluefire for Macs) onto device.

E-Statement Studies - Part of RMA University, the eStatement Studies tab accesses industry norms by year, asset range and region with information from composites averaged and aggregated from financial statements’ raw data. Content via Credit Risk and Enterprise Risk tabs are not accessible.

IBIS World - Industry market research and industry risk ratings with specialization in US industry, US specialized industry, China industry, global industry, and US business environment profiles.

LexisNexis Academic - Comprehensive full-text database covering business, news, legal, company, and medical information. "Legal" includes full-text legal news, law reviews, federal case law, state legal research, the U.S. Code, Constitution, and court rules.Curriculum-based research guides are also included.

Occupational Outlook Handbook Online - Most current edition of this career information and work conditions resource.

Oxford University Press Journals Online - Oxford University-published journals which cover a wide range of subjects including biology, economics, health sciences, political science, social work, and technology.

Wiley Online LIbrary - Full-text access to over 500 online journals in business, law, education, and the sciences (health, life, physical, and social).

Text: NF

How To Access Databases

On the library's homepage, click Databases by Title.
Next, click on the first letter of the database. Photobucket
Now you can select the database. Photobucket

diagram: RA

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