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September 2017 - What's Happening @ LWLC: Logging into Accounts

Accessing Library Databases Off Campus

  • Go to the Library's web site
  • Under Research Tools, there are two options in accessing databases:
  • 1.) All of our electronic databases are listed under Databases by Title.
  • 2.) If you would like resources in a particular subject, visit Databas​es by Subject.
  • Select a database from the subject areas or from the alphabetical listing
  • The login screen will ask that you:
    1. Enter your Campus ID without hyphens
    1. Enter your LAST NAME in lower case
  • Once in the database enter your search terms in the search boxes provided

If you are in our system and unable to login to the databases, please send an email to for support.

If you need help using the databases after login, please contact the Reference Desk (334) 229-4110.


Q: How do I get connected to the ASU Wireless Network?

A: ASU students should connect to the SSID/Wireless Network name “Student” or “myasu”. When connecting to the “Student” network each student must enter their PSK to connect. In “myasu” locations, you will continue to use “Hornetsnation” as your password. 

Q: How do I add or remove devices?

A: If at any time you have a device connected and would like to connect a different device. You must choose to disconnect the currently connected device from the network to connect a new device.

Q: What is a PSK?

A: A PSK stands for Pre-Shared Key. This is your password to access the ASU “Student” wireless network. Your PSK is defined by the following schema: the first 4 letters of your last name CAPITALIZED + the last 5 digits of your social security number. Here’s an example of the PSK schema:

Name - John Smith          SSN - 123-41-2345        John’s PSK would be: SMIT12345


Please sign in using your Campus-Wide ID (CWID) number as your user name and entering your unique password. Your CWID number is the same as your Student ID number.  If you are prompted to change your password, click on the "Change Password Link" and follow the directions. Secure and keep your password confidential for your protection.  If you are experiencing any problems, contact the OTS Service Desk at 334.229.4560.

ASU E-mail

Current Student Email Login:

The email address consists of:first initial of your first name + your full last name + the last four digits of your student id number.

Ex. John Smith 

Student id: 12345678

The password for each account is set to your student id number. If your student id consists of a leading zero, do not include this zero. Once you have successfully logged in, the option to change your password will be available.

Ex. Password: 12345678

*Please update your blackboard email to your newly created student email address. If you experience any problems, please contact the help desk at 334-229-8611.


Username: first initial + last name + last four digits of CWID

Password: last six digits of CWID

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