EDU 321:
Instructional Technology for Educators
Step 1: Choose a topic.
Step 2: Locate information on your topic in books, articles, and other sources.
Step 3: Write your paper in APA style.
Step 4: Cite your sources in APA style.
In order to access the databases from home you must first be in our system.
To check this:
To access the databases:
If you are in our system and unable to login to the databases please send an email to or for support.
If you need help using the databases please contact the Reference Desk (334) 229-4110.
If your assignment calls for you to find information on technology in schools, you may search for
technology AND schools or "technology in schools"
in a database (to find articles) or in the Library Catalog (to find books). Using quotation marks around the phrase tells the database to search for the words together, as a phrase.
When searching for articles, limit your search to match your search needs.