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HIST 131 and 132 - World History Course: Finding Articles

Resources in this guide support teaching, learning, and research for the World History Courses offered by the ASU Department of History and Political Science.

Helpful Databases

These electronic resources have direct access to history-related content. You will need to log-in for off-campus access (see nearby box).

Databases with (AVL)  means this resource is part of the Alabama Virtual Library and should be freely accessible. Some wiill ask for off-campus log-in access.

How to Find Articles

In order to find articles:

1. Go to the LWLC homepage and select "Databases by Subject" in the blue box on the lower left hand portion of the page.

2. Select the subject you're wanting to research such as "Government/History/Political Science" (History).

3. A new page will open with a list of databases relevant to that topic. 

4. Select the database(s) relevant to your topic and search. The resources in "Helpful Databases" can help limit your searches by type of journal (peer-reviewed journals are recommended), full-text, language, and date range.

Accessing Library Databases Off Campus

  • Go to the Library's web site
  • Under Research Tools, follow this procedure:
  • 1.) Select Databases
  •       This lists all electronic resources accessible to the           ASU community.
  • 2.) If you want to access resources specific to history,         click on the Subjects box and scroll menu until you          see History and click "Search".
  • 3.) You will then arrive on the page for History Resources.
  • Select a database from the subject area or from the alphabetical listing
  • The login screen will ask that you:
    1. Enter your LAST NAME in lower case
    2. Enter your Campus ID without hyphens
  • Once in the database enter your search terms in the search boxes provided

If you are in our system and unable to login to the databases please send an email to for support.

If you need help using the databases, please contact the Reference Desk (334) 604-9093 or send e-mail to Randy Curtis at

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