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HIST 131 and 132 - World History Course: Welcome

Resources in this guide support teaching, learning, and research for the World History Courses offered by the ASU Department of History and Political Science.

Department of History and Political Science

Welcome Page to Alabama State University Department of History and Political Science (210 G. W. Trenholm Hall)

History and Geography Lab - 139 Patterson Hall

Student Resources Center - Links to :

  • History and Political Science curricula
  • Tuition / scholarship information
  • Academic calendar
  • National Center for the Study of African-American History and Culture
  • Department Facebook page.


Welcome to the course guide for the following courses:

History of Civilization I  / World History I (HIS 131)

Covers history from prehistoric times until 1500

History of Civilization II / World History II (HIS 132)

Covers history from 1500 to present

Continents' Map

Electronic Resources/Serials Services Librarian

Profile Photo
Neil Foulger
LWLC Room 137B
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