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March 2022 - What's Happening @ LWLC: Nat'l Nutrition Month

National Nutrition Month 2022

March is National Nutrition Month, a campaign by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the largest organization of food and nutrition professinals in the United States. Per the Academy's website regarding National Nutrition Month, the campaign is designed to focus attention on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits.
Websites with more information:

Celebrate a World of Flavors During National Nutrition Month (

National Nutrition Month (MedicineNet)

National Nutrition Month (NationalToday)

National Nutrition Month : Are You Ready? (

National Nutrition Month Toolkit (Academy of Nutrition and Dietics)



Text ed: NF

Books & E-books

Some books and e-books in our collection related to nutrition include (selections: NF) :

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