The Hornet Research Repository is an institutional repository provided by the Levi Watkins Learning Center to digitally collect, preserve, and provide worldwide electronic access to scholarly works and research output by the Alabama State University community such as journal articles, conference presentations, proceedings, working papers, theses, and dissertations.
All members of the ASU community are invited to contribute their scholarship and research outcomes to the repository. You can log into the repository directly to submit your work or ask the repository coordinator (Jessica Platt, to deposit it for you.
To learn more about Institutional Repositories, please visit the Digital Commons Resources page.
When more information becomes available (dates of future conferences, calls for proposals, etc.), I will update this section of the LibGuide.
Submit your work to peer-reviewed journals. The following lists include state and/or regional journals, as well as national and/or international journals.
State & Regional Journals
National & International Journals
LWLC faculty are encouraged to practice presentations for colleagues at work before conducting presentations off-campus. Presenters will receive helpful feedback from their colleagues prior to conducting a presentation off-campus or outside the LWLC.
To conduct a presentation for The Research Roundtable, click here. After submitting this form, you will be contacted by the Associate Coordinator of Research, Instruction and Engagement with your approved date and time, and your presentation will be publicized among LWLC faculty.
The Office of Institutional Research (OIR) provides institutional information to support decision-making, planning, and assessment at a variety of organizational levels. The OIR also oversees the compliance of the university's survey policy and the administration of surveys on campus. On this page, you can explore data, learn about ASU's survey policy, view the consumer information page, and learn how to submit data requests.
To contact the Office of Institutional Research, please email or call (334) 229-6859.
Alabama State University’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) provides ethical review of human subjects research to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects of research. The IRB also seeks to assure that human research is conducted according to applicable federal and state laws and regulations and the relevant policies of the Research Protection Program.
Visit this page to find:
To contact the IRB, email or email one of the following IRB members:
Alabama State University is required to submit institutional data to State and National agencies as well as other organizations, such as the NCAA. Below are links to reports and websites that contain data about Alabama State University. Visit this page to access:
ASU recognizes the importance of surveys in research and institutional improvement. The ASU Survey policy guides how to approach the use of surveys at Alabama State University. A summary of the information is found below, but please also review the Survey Policy.
Qualtrics is the official survey software used by Alabama State University. Any ASU faculty member, staff member, or student is eligible to have a Qualtrics account; however, they must first attend the ASU Survey Policy Training and sign the ASU Qualtrics User Agreement. For resources on how to use basic features of Qualtrics and Qualtrics Training Videos, click here.
Visit this page to access:
To inquire about upcoming ASU Survey Policy training dates or if you have questions about the survey approval process, please contact the Office of Institutional Research at (334) 229-6859 or via email at