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July 2013 What's Happening @ LWLC : Moon Day

Moon Landing Day

National Moon Landing Day - On July 20th, 1969 the whole world witnessed one of the most amazing feats in human history. For the first time, we set foot on another world. Help preserve the day. Every year on Moon Landing Day we remember the achievments of our society. The Apollo 11 astronauts are a very important piece of human advancement. 


NASASince its inception in 1958, NASA has accomplished many great scientific and technological feats in air and space. NASA technology also has been adapted for many nonaerospace uses by the private sector. NASA remains a leading force in scientific research and in stimulating public interest in aerospace exploration, as well as science and technology in general. 

Space Exploration

Access educational resources about  the solar system and space exploration.

Boeing - Beyond Earth

National Geographic - Space Exploration



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