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November 2013 - What's Happening @ LWLC : Kennedy Assassination

John F. Kennedy Assassination Anniversary

November 22, 1963 is a day Americans remember where they were and what they were doing. That was the day President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. He had not even completed one term in office.

Lee Harvey Oswald was the assassin (and killed 2 days later on live TV as he was being transferred to the county jail). Whether he did it alone (per the official assessment - 1964 Warren Commission) or was part of a conspiracy (various suggestions have said multiple gunmen, organized crime, CIA, anti-communist Cubans, or pro-communist Cubans were the masterminds....and there are others) has been a matter of debate in the 50 years since.

This photo below was taken as both President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jackie Kennedy (later Onassis) arrive in Dallas that day and before the fateful motorcade:

john f kennedy photo: John F. Kennedy johnkennedy.jpg

 Photo source:; Text: NF

Eternal Flame

John F. Kennedy was buried on November 25, 1963 at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, D.C. His grave is marked with an eternal flame. The following video from WorldSiteGuides (Youtube) provideas a good summary of John F. Kennedy's life and about the flame. (text: NF)

Books & eBooks

Click on these links for good summaries/ starting points for research related to the assassination, the Warren Commission, and possible conspiracy theories.

Here are some books and e-books accessible to ASU patrons  that discuss the assassination of John F. Kennedy:

Death of a President, November 20-November 25, 1963 by William Manchester is one of the first accounts. It can be found in Main Stacks (4th floor ) E 842.9 .M28 1967.  (No cover art available)

Text & selections: NF

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