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BIO 899: Doctoral Research: Helpful Resources for Theses & Dissertations

Information on this guide supports the graduate level seminar course in biology at Alabama State University.

Proquest Dissertations & Theses Global

Guideline for Thesis Proposal

This guideline is from another university, but can serve as a helpful guide for formulating/writing a thesis proposal. 

Helpful Tips & Strategies

List of Dissertation Research Topics

From the University of Pennsylvania 

August of 2017

Novel Cell Surface Anchoring Mechanism of Prokaryotic Secreted Protein - Mohd Farid Abdul Halim, Ph.D.

The Genetic Architecture Underlying Rapid Seasonal Evolution in Natural Populations of Drosophila melanogaster - Emily Behrman, Ph.D.

Developmental Functions of MIR156 and MIR157 in Arabidopsis- Jia He, Ph.D.

Dedifferentiation of Cytotoxic Lympthocyte into Central Memory CD8+T Cells:  Lessons from Antiviral T-Stem Cells on the Architecture of Aging and Immunotherapy - Jonathan Johnnidis, Ph.D.


Class of 2017

Proteolytic Activation by ADAMTS3 Defines Distinct Mechanisms of Lymphangiogenesis Mediated by VEGFC and VEGFD - Hung Bui, Ph.D.

Transcript Diversity in the Protozoan Parasite Toxoplasma Gondii - Maria Diaz, Ph.D.

Plant-soil Feedback and Succession in Heavy Metal Soils - Lee Dietterich, Ph.D.

Genome Editing Approach to Uncover Microtubule-Actin Crosslinking Factor (MACF1) Essential Domains in Establishing Oocyte Polarity and Nuclear Positioning - Matias Escobar, Ph.D.

Investigation of the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of cAMP and PKA Signaling and the Role of HCN4 Subunits in Anxiety-Related Behavior and Memory - Vincent Luczak, Ph.D.

The C-REL Transcription Factor Controls Metabolism and Proliferation of Human T Cells - George Luo, Ph.D.

Space, Time and Change: Investigations in Soil Bacterial Diversity in the Montane Steppe of Mongalia - Aurora MacRae-Crerar, Ph.D.

Population Genetics of Borrelia Burgdorferi in the Eastern and Midwestern United States - Stephanie Seifert, Ph.D.

Hypermutability in Asexuals: Investigating the Effects of Deleterious Mutations - Tanya Singh, Ph.D.

Additional List of Biology Research Topics from the University of Pennsylvania 

PhD. & Theses Defenses

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