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POLITICAL SCIENCE: Open Access Resources

Open Access Websites

Open access resources related to Political Science:

Blogs and Useful Websites

These are additional free resources related to Political Science with links to other websites and resources:

80 Best Political Science Blogs and Websites (Feedspot) - Per search and social activity, this list is updated weekly.

American Political Science Association

American political websites (Wikipedia) 

Constitute - Comprehensive analysis of the world's constitutions.

Council on Foreign Relations 

Growing Directory of Political Science Blogs: Find What's New and Next (PoliSciData) 

Politlcal Science Textbooks and Full Courses (OER) - Affiliated resources with brief descriptions and ways to search for more specific textbooks and courses.

United States Government Manual (GovInfo) 

Useful Websites: Political Science (University of Kentucky) - Links to political parties, government departments, news organizations, interest groups, and research links (note: you'll get better access to JSTOR and Lexis Nexis [now Nexus Uni] here!). (UCLA Department of Political Science) - Every congressional roll call vote in American history on a map of the United States and on a liberal-conservative ideological map including information about the ideological positions of voting Senators and Representatives.

Political Science Image


Suggestions for additional e-resources can be sent to Neil Foulger (

If the e-resource has no cost, include URL, relevant subject(s), and a brief description. 

Thank you!

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