Open access resources related to Political Science:
Coordinates Africa-related resources that are held inside and outside Africa via digital format.
Population, economic, and social data as compiled by the U.S. Census Bureau.
Links to information published by state, subject, and other resources.
Published by the Central Intelligence Agency, this factbook provides political and economic information for every country and territory.
These are additional free resources related to Political Science with links to other websites and resources:
80 Best Political Science Blogs and Websites (Feedspot) - Per search and social activity, this list is updated weekly.
American Political Science Association
American political websites (Wikipedia)
Constitute - Comprehensive analysis of the world's constitutions.
Growing Directory of Political Science Blogs: Find What's New and Next (PoliSciData)
Politlcal Science Textbooks and Full Courses (OER) - Affiliated resources with brief descriptions and ways to search for more specific textbooks and courses.
United States Government Manual (GovInfo)
Useful Websites: Political Science (University of Kentucky) - Links to political parties, government departments, news organizations, interest groups, and research links (note: you'll get better access to JSTOR and Lexis Nexis [now Nexus Uni] here!). (UCLA Department of Political Science) - Every congressional roll call vote in American history on a map of the United States and on a liberal-conservative ideological map including information about the ideological positions of voting Senators and Representatives.
Suggestions for additional e-resources can be sent to Neil Foulger (
If the e-resource has no cost, include URL, relevant subject(s), and a brief description.
Thank you!