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MUSIC: Style Guide

Chief Citation Style for Music

The main style used for music is as follows: 

Modern Language Association (MLA) - used in the language arts, cultural studies, music, and other humanities 

  • Recommended - Purdue OWL MLA Style - Includes a tutorial for citing in MLA style as well as sample papers and bibliographies.
  • MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers 8th edition - (Call number: Reserves @ Information Desk LB 2389 .G53 2016.)

The main style used for music education is as follows: 

American Psychological Association (APA) - used in education, psychology, and the sciences 

  • Recommended - Purdue OWL APA Style - Includes a tutorial for citing in APA style as well as sample papers and bibliographies.
  • Concise Rules of APA Style - (Call number: Reserves @ Information Desk BF 76.7 .C66 2010.)
  • Writing with Style: APA Made Easy 6th edition - (Call number: Main Reference @ 3rd Floor BF 76.7 .S93 2014.)

What is Plagiarism?

Credits:  Paul Robeson Library, Rutgers University.

Turn it in

Click the image to go to [Digital Image]. (2019). Retrieved from

Academic Integriy

"It is the responsibility and expectation that all course work completed is the original work of the student submitting the assignment for the course.  Students who compromise their academic integrity will be subject to the consequences set forth by the University."

~ ASU Syllabi Statement

From ASU Student Handbook


An important goal of ASU is to prepare students as effective and productive professionals and citizens in society. Through an academic environment conducive to free and open discourse, inquiry and expression, this goal can be achieved. Academic dishonesty is a serious offense which is against the important principle of scholarship. Furthermore, academic dishonesty works against the development of students’ intellectual abilities; it will not be tolerated by the University. Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to the following:

1. Plagiarism: Intentionally or knowingly using sources of another in an academic exercise without proper identification of the source(s).

2. Cheating: Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise; helping or attempting to help a student commit an act of dishonesty, including buying, selling or transmitting a copy of any examination or test before it shall have been administered; allowing another to copy information during an examination or other academic exercise.

3. Fabrication: Intentional falsification or invention of information or citation in an academic exercise.


The procedures in cases involving allegations of academic dishonesty are described below:

1. In the event an instructor believes that a student has violated the University’s policies on academic dishonesty, the instructor shall so inform the student immediately.

2. If the evidence sustains the instructor’s original position,the instructor may impose an academic penalty up to including assignment of a failing grade for the course.

3. If the instructor assigns a failing grade, he or she shall notify and give in writing the reason for the failing grade to the department chair and the dean of the college, school or division in which the course is offered.

4. The dean shall report the offense to the vice president for Academic Affairs and the vice president for Student Affairs.

5. Should the vice president for Academic Affairs deem the case of dishonesty warrants more serious action, the dean, with the concurrence of the vice president for Academic Affairs, may refer the matter to the vice president for Student Affairs for referral to the assistant vice president for Student Affairs for investigation and to determine if the charges have merit. (See Article V, Procedures and Student Rights Relating to the Adjudication of Student Misconduct)

The student may appeal the instructor’s decision of a failing grade in accordance with the policy set forth in this handbook under “Academic Appeals Procedure.”

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