We hope you enjoy the content of our What's Happening @ LWLC pages.
Here are the pages for your reference.
Monday - Thursday: 8:00 AM - 11:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Sunday: 2:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Happy Labor Day!
Happy Rosh Hashanah! (Sept. 24)
Autumn begins (Sept. 22)
Welcome to the
All students enrolled by August 20, 2014 have e-mail addresses, Wi-Fi logins, and computer logins. The username is the same as the Blackboard username.
To Connect to Wireless from within LWLC:
Students should choose a connection with the word 'Library' in it, enter password (ask any librarian for password) and proceed to logon with:
(First initial of first name + last name + last 4 numbers of campus id #). Their password is set to their whole campus id number.
Again, this format is the same for their Blackboard, student email, and to authenticate to wireless networks.
First-time users of wireless must accept the wireless network policy and install the 'SafeConnect' application. It is recommended that students use Internet Explorer or Google Chrome as their browser when connecting to the wireless Internet network.
Smartphone and tablet users may not be required to input their student usernames and passwords.
Do not hestitate to call Mr. C. Williams (334-229-8311) or Mr. R. Curtis (334-229-5604) if there is any difficulty.
All of our electronic databases are listed at Databases by Title. If you would like resources in a particular subject, visit Databases by Subject.
For off-campus access, you may need to log in to use databases. You will be asked for your last name and 9-digit CWID (Campus-Wide ID) number.
If you have trouble accessing the databases, contact Randy Curtis at 334-229-5604 or rcurtis@alasu.edu.
For more database highlights, visit the "Databases" tab.