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ENG 132: English Composition II: Find Articles


Databases at LWLC are your 24/7 online library, providing you with free access to journals, magazines, and newspapers, plus e-books, video, audiobooks, test prep materials, and more. This huge collection of resources can be accessed anywhere you have an internet connection. When you're off campus, use your ASU campus-wide ID and your last name to log in. 

Helpful Databases

How to Find Articles

To find articles, first go to the LWLC homepage and select "Databases by Subject" or in the blue box on the lower left hand portion of the page. Next, select the subject you're wanting to research such as "General". A new page will open with a list of databases relevant to that topic. 

Limit your search to Full Text results. When searching within a specific database, you can opt for full text results before searching.

ProQuest search field with including Full text checkbox (screencapture)

These ensure that you'll only find articles available in full text (not just abstracts or citations).

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